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Writer's pictureTracey

Easter bunnies and jackhammers

Happy Easter - and likely to be the top weekend of the year for DIY enthusiasts. We are those people - making our neighbours life less quiet. Luckily we haven‘t been chased out of Dodge (or Durrington) in the process.

Four years ago we broke ground on reshaping the front garden of our very typical Victorian terrace. Four years later, we are making our mark in reshaping other people‘s gardens. We didn’t see that coming! But every project has been a joy though. We love these transformations. Our own experience is that we know more of our neighbours and feel we are making a positive impact on making our streets greener.

A few pictures of our DIY efforts in doing our own site prep for our Bikebox. We learned a lot doing it and having overseen others being done since. If you are thinking you would like a Bikebox and would like to do the site prep yourself, we are here to testify it’s entirely possible! And we are happy to give advice based on our own lessons learned.

Be Safe! Be Brave!

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